Friday, July 30, 2010

My 'Gorilla'

So we want you to sing your praises of something good that you did each week but I also thought of what weaknesses that we have that we want to improve on...your 'gorilla' so to speak.  It can even be something regarding your overall health such as eating too much sugar, high cholesterol, etc. I know we want to overcome our weaknesses so let's share them so we can encourage each other. So your homework this weekend is to share your success from the week and share your 'gorilla'.  Please participate! 


  1. My 'gorilla' is the kipping pull up! I want to be able to do 5 in a row without losing momentum! - Coach Monica

  2. My 'go-rilla' is the Muscle up...I know one day it will happen but the one day seems far away!!!-Coach Amy

  3. I have lots of goillas but the most visible one(s) are OH squat/power squat snatch! Need a lot of work on those!

  4. I have a band of gorillas. Their names are wallballs, thrusters, overhead squats, any form of running besides a sprint, and burpees.

  5. My Gorilla is burpees, wallballs and running then moving into GHB abs. Tammy

