Warm up - coaches choice
(from Coach Scott at StonewayCrossFit)
In teams of 2, one person working at a time. While one partner is completing the round the other is holding a medicine ball overhead, Complete:
30 Rounds of:
5 burpees
10 medicine ball squats #20/14
5 pull ups
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
CrossFit Football - Thursday- 9/16
Thursday- 9/16
Warm Up
Row 750M
15 pull ups, 15 squats, 15 push ups
40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5
WOD - Complete 6 rounds:
Max Rep Plyo Push Ups
100 yard sprints
*Perform a plyo push up by placing one hand on a 45 lbs plate and the other on the floor, perform an explosive push up that allows you to transition the hand on the floor to hand on the plate
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
Warm Up
Row 750M
15 pull ups, 15 squats, 15 push ups
40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5
WOD - Complete 6 rounds:
Max Rep Plyo Push Ups
100 yard sprints
*Perform a plyo push up by placing one hand on a 45 lbs plate and the other on the floor, perform an explosive push up that allows you to transition the hand on the floor to hand on the plate
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
CrossFit Football WOD Wednesday 9/15
Wednesday- 9/15
20 Double Unders (3x Regular Skips)
10- Ring Push-ups
10- Ring Rows
10- Box Jumps
10- Sit-ups
10- Back Extensions
We are now at week for of 5/3/1 programming, this is "deloading week"
OH Press
40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5
Complete 4 rounds:
You have 1 minute to complete the following...
Sprint 40 yards
30 KB Swings - 2 pood
*rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Post your times for each round.
20 Double Unders (3x Regular Skips)
10- Ring Push-ups
10- Ring Rows
10- Box Jumps
10- Sit-ups
10- Back Extensions
We are now at week for of 5/3/1 programming, this is "deloading week"
OH Press
40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5
Complete 4 rounds:
You have 1 minute to complete the following...
Sprint 40 yards
30 KB Swings - 2 pood
*rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Post your times for each round.
WOD Wednesday 9/15
Warm up
(no pullups)
3 rounds
Max pull ups
Row 500m
21 KB swings
21 air squats**Spend the rest of the day on stretching, rolling out, flexibility, etc
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
CLF Newsletter!
Hello Everyone! First of all, if we haven't told you lately, we coaches appreciate our clients more than you know! We all LOVE what we do and feel honored to coach each and everyone of you! I know we've gone through some scheduling changes and we appreciate the ease and willingness from our members to 'go with the flow' so to speak! We want to do not only what is best for you as individuals but also for our box as a whole. I know for most this wasn't a difficult change but for a few it was hard to adjust to your schedules. Just know we're grateful for all of you!
We are also wanting to make a few changes with how warm up is lead, etc in the upcoming weeks...nothing major but just a way to make it with more of a 'class feel'! We're trying to stay as punctual as possible with our classes so please bear with the 'timing' of the warm up and strength training and thank you for not only being punctual, but even early! Today, we saw how people worked in pairs to work on the back squat and it was an awesome sight to see our CLF crossfit community working together!!!! Even if there are empty racks, etc. feel free to pair up with someone of similar abilities! Get to know each other! It's great rapport-building!!! As coaches, it's quite rewarding to see all succeed not only as individuals but to see our classes helping and encouraging others! OUR MEMBERS ROCK!!!
So to keep our box even MORE awesome, here are a few pieces of housekeeping requests for us all. So without further adieu, here they are!
1. We have noticed a few things going on with our equipment and we want to keep all of it in the best shape possible. So here's request number one: NEVER THROW DOWN AN EMPTY BAR ON THE GROUND! This action can bend and warp the bar and render it unusable. In addition, PLEASE DON'T THROW DOWN ANY BAR WHICH ONLY HAS THE 10 POUNDERS ON THEM. They are getting warped and misshapen and it's getting noticeable! If the 10 pounders get destroyed that means we'll have to do all our WODs with a minimum of 15 pounders! Ok, just kidding....but please DO try your best not to do that. We coaches don't want to have to spider-monkey you! :)
5. Come regularly! Consistency is the key! I know we all have busy schedules, time constraints, kid's games and activities, etc. It's easy to get lost in the daily routine. I mean if it was easy, you'd be able to look around and see a bunch of strong, fit people! Not so much the case! Think about your goals and remind yourself of why you wanted to be part of crossfit. Was it the challenge? The pain? The emotional pull? The physical results? Or all of the above? If you were able to answer 'yes' to any of those reasons then don't be a stranger. Again as coaches, WE LOVE to see your successes in all aspects! You know that the holiday season is coming up, too and that means....well you know! Food, food and more food! Just some 'food' for thought! :)
So all that said, we love our people and we love our box. We want to make it the best for you and others so please take to heart all that was said! CLF people are awesome! Keep rockin' on everyone! See you at the box!!!
We are also wanting to make a few changes with how warm up is lead, etc in the upcoming weeks...nothing major but just a way to make it with more of a 'class feel'! We're trying to stay as punctual as possible with our classes so please bear with the 'timing' of the warm up and strength training and thank you for not only being punctual, but even early! Today, we saw how people worked in pairs to work on the back squat and it was an awesome sight to see our CLF crossfit community working together!!!! Even if there are empty racks, etc. feel free to pair up with someone of similar abilities! Get to know each other! It's great rapport-building!!! As coaches, it's quite rewarding to see all succeed not only as individuals but to see our classes helping and encouraging others! OUR MEMBERS ROCK!!!
So to keep our box even MORE awesome, here are a few pieces of housekeeping requests for us all. So without further adieu, here they are!

2. Honk if you love chalk! Ok so all of us should be honking by now! ;) Don't get me wrong, chalk is good, chalk is great, chalk is awesome just like cake! However, chalk is MESSY! We've all witnessed the clouds of chalk that get blown away like a bad dust storm blowing in the wind! Hey, it happens! Sometimes no matter how much we try to keep it in one place, it does what it wants to do! So with that said, after your WOD with chalk everywhere, just do your best to clean up your area. Lately many of us have chalked our bar which is GREAT but please try to keep your area as clean as possible and not overkill the chalk. Also, if you do have a chalky bar when you're done, please grab one of the little white scrubbers and scrub, scrub-a-dub, just like you do in the tub!
3. Request number 2 leads me to request number 3! We ask that you pick up your little WOD area! This just helps out the next class come in and start anew! A clean house is a happy house!
4. Bring a friend on Saturday!!! I know many of you are Monday to Friday-ers but if you haven't joined us on a Saturday, YOU ARE MISSING OUT!!! I know you're probably sick and tired of hearing 'crossfit community this, community that...blah, blah, blah' but those of you that have been on a Saturday, you'll know what I'm talking about! The team WODS ARE AWESOME! This is why we've deemed this day, "Bring a Friend Day". Bring in someone who's not a member for free to try out a team WOD with you! We may even have a 'bonus' for those who bring a friend who joins our awesome box! And don't ask what it is yet because I don't know yet! Just know it will be AWESOME! :)

So all that said, we love our people and we love our box. We want to make it the best for you and others so please take to heart all that was said! CLF people are awesome! Keep rockin' on everyone! See you at the box!!!
WOD Tuesday 9/14
50% x 5
60% x 5
1:30 - Thrusters #95/65
1:30 - Rest
4 rounds
Monday, September 13, 2010
WOD Monday 9/13
Warm Up
Row 500
15 pull ups, 15 squats, 15 push ups
We are now at week for of 5/3/1 programming, this is "deloading week"
40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5
Double Unders
Sit ups
Row 500
15 pull ups, 15 squats, 15 push ups
We are now at week for of 5/3/1 programming, this is "deloading week"
40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5
Double Unders
Sit ups
Sunday, September 12, 2010
CrossFit Football 9/12/10
Sunday Open Gym- For Fire Breathers Only- 9/12/10
800M Run
1x CF Warm-up
Strength and Skill
Dead lift
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+ (Max Reps)
Ring Pull Ups 15x3 (chest to hands)
For time: 21-15-9
Push Press- 135 lbs.
Ring Dips
Calorie Row (Row to 21-15-9 Calories)
800M Run
1x CF Warm-up
Strength and Skill
Dead lift
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+ (Max Reps)
Ring Pull Ups 15x3 (chest to hands)
For time: 21-15-9
Push Press- 135 lbs.
Ring Dips
Calorie Row (Row to 21-15-9 Calories)
Crossfit Endurance Sunday 9/12
All Newcomers to Crossfit Endurance welcome this Sunday at 1pm for filming and feedback FREE!!!
WOD for all current Endurance athletes at 2pm. Track workout!!
If you want to get faster during those crossfit WODs come on out and join us for filming and fun!
-Endurance Coach Ryan T.
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