Saturday, May 15, 2010

TEAM WOD Saturday 5-15-10


3rds of:
run 400m
10 OHS
10 Ring dips


"TEAM Molicious"

Teams of 2-…divide up time with 1 minute for each participant and decide on how to alternate…before or after rowing .

2 minutes of pull ups (split up times equally)
1 person rows for 1 minute while the other rests, then switch

2 minutes of wall balls (14#/20#)
1 person rows for 1 minute while the other rests, then switch

2 minutes of sit ups
1 person rows for 1 minute while the other rests, then switch

2 minutes of burpees
1 person rows for 1 minute while the other rests, then switch

2 minutes of ball jumps
1 person rows for 1 minute while the other rests, then switch

2 minutes of push ups
1 person rows for 1 minute while the other rests, then switch

2 minutes of air squats
1 person rows for 1 minute while the other rests, then switch


  1. Ryan D. Snatch balance: 2x3 #135, 1x3 #145, 1x3 #150, 1x3 #155

    "Michael" 19:37 as rx'd

  2. Ellen, Kelly, Monica-592
    Brandon, Andy-331
    Ali, Logan-424
    Jonathon, Ashley-423

