Saturday, October 23, 2010

WOD saturday 10/23

warm up

team of 2, complete:

400m KB farmers walk carry.

while #1 runs 400m #2 farmers walks as far as possible, #1 takes over the Farmers walk while #2 runs 400m and then takes over where #1 left off with the farmers walk.

after 400m FW is done complete 100 push ups, 150 squats, 200 double unders

for time

1 comment:

  1. due to thunder/rain...250m row while other OHlunge w/plate x4 in lieu of farmers walk/run:

    Steve(25#OH,singles)&Monica(15#OH,d.u.)- 19:23
    Clinton(25#OH,singles)& Kim(10#OH,singles)-21:00

    rain stopped so:
    Jason(53# walk,singles)&Joe(53# walk,d.u.)-15:07
    Hollie(35# walk,singles)&Joey(35#,singles)-16:07

