Tuesday, February 8, 2011

WOD 2-8-11

Warm Up
400m Run
2 Rds of
20 Jumping Jacks
15 Squats
10 Pullups
5 Burpees

Squat Clean and Jerk: 3-2-1-1-1-1

"Bear Complex"
7 Reps of the following scheme
Power Clean (touch and go on ground)
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

Once you begin a round you can rest with the bar in any position--expect on the ground.

5 Rounds of 7 Reps. Rest as needed between rounds.

Begin with approximate 50% of your 1RM Jerk and increase weight each round. Post 1RM C&J and weights for all rounds of the "Bear Complex"


  1. Rosa-88# CLJK; 45,50,55,60,61
    Johnny- Elements V- 4:03; DL 95#,45#
    Jennifer-53# 6:48; 3rds
    Brandye 53# 8:09; 3rds
    Travis 115# 8:05; 3rds 75#
    Dave-125#PR; 65,85,90,95,100
    Sheri-103#PR; 53,58,58,58,63
    Brian- 115#; 65,70,75,80,85
    Mack- 135#; 65,75,85,95,100
    Jason- 235# PR; 135,155,155,135,135
    Sam- 185#; 95,105,115,125,140
    Jackie- 113#; 53,63,68,73,83
    Christina- 83#; 53,53,53,53,53

  2. Joey-95# CLJK; 53,63,68,73,83

  3. Carey-seperate bars- 5rounds
    7 push press-45#/7-pc 53,63,68,73,78/
    7 fs 53,63,68,73,78/ 7 bs 53,60,65,70,75/
    7 push press-45#

  4. Ryan D. #225. 115, 135, 145, 155, 165(f)

