Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday Team WOD

With a team of 2:
Partner A completes as many reps as possible while Partner B Holds an Isometric squat.

If Partner B raises up from the squat or sacrifices depth then the Partner A and B switch.

Now Partner B will be performing the exercise listed as partner A holds the squat.

Exercise -
60 Thrusters (95/65#)
60 KB Swing (53/35#)
60 Pullups


Partner A completes as many reps as possible while Partner B Holds an Isometric back plank. If Partner B hips fall below a rigid plank position then Partner A and B switch. Now Partner B will be performing the exercise listed as partner A holds the plank.

80 Wall- Balls (20/14#)
150 Sit-ups

Partner A completes as many reps as possible while Partner B runs 250M .
Upon Partner B return Partner A will now take off for a 250M and B will perform the exercise. Rotate as needed until all repetitions are accomplished

100 Burpee box jumps

FOR time

