Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WOD Wednesday 1-19-11

Warm Up
500m Row
Coach led Burgener Warmup

Snatch: 1 snatch every 2 minutes for 20 minutes
Start moderately light, work up to 1RM

2 Rounds for max reps
- In 2 minutes: Row 250m, then as many HSPU as possible in remaining time
- Rest 2 minutes
- In 2 minutes: Row 250m, then as many ring dips as possible in remaining time
- Rest 2 Minutes
- In 2 minutes: Row 250m, then as many Push ups as possible in remaining time
- Rest 2 minutes

(i.e. total workout is 24 minutes, where 12 minutes are row/combo, 12 minutes are rest)

Post Snatch 1Rm and number of reps to comments


  1. Steph:63# Snatch: 62HSPU(box),52Ring Dips, 37Pushups
    Dan S:115# Snatch: 39HSPU(box), 39Ring Dips, 60Pushups

  2. Dana: 48# Snatch, 16HSPU, 13Ring Dips, 18 Pushups
    Brandon:17HSPU, 53Ring Dips, 75 Pushups
    Amy Z: 48# Snatch, 43HSPU, 29Ring Dips, 37 Pushups

  3. Brandye:49# Snatch,10HSPU, 42Box Dips, 23Push Ups

    Jennifer:43# Snatch, 12HSPU, 38 Ring Dips(Band),30 Push Ups

  4. Chuck: 45# Snatch, 33 KB press, 38 RD, 36P-U

  5. Dave: 90# Snatch, 69 HSPU, 49 Ring Dips, 43 Push ups
    Heather: 55# snatch, 49 HSPU, 43 ring dips, 37 push ups
    Christina: 63# snatch, 41 HSPU, 12 ring dips, 33Push ups
    J.T.: 143# snatch, 50 HSPU, 30 ring dips, 29 push ups
    Hollie: 73# snatch, 20 HSPU, 45 ring dips, 44 push ups
    Ryan V.: 155# Squat Snatch, 32 HSPU, 70 ring dips, 52 push ups

  6. Tyler:155#Snatch,34 HSPU,38 R-Dips,36 Push-ups
    Joey:83#Snatch,22 HSPU,25 R-Dips,33 Push-ups
    Joey:63#Snatch,37 HSPU,24 R-Dips,23 Push-ups

  7. Melissa-Elements IV- 5 rounds- 5 minutes
    Cristen-Elements IV- 5 rounds- 5 minutes

  8. Clinton: 165#- 53 HSPU,42 R-Dips,30 pushups
    Carey: form work-35bhspu,37rband dips,38pu

