Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WOD Tuesday 1-18-11

Warm Up
3 Rds
10 Pass Throughs
10 Ring Rows
10 Abmat situps
10 Back Extenstions
10 Lunges

Push Press: 3 to 5 sets of 5
- Between each set perform 10 pistols

5 rounds for total reps of:
Thrusters (135/95), 15 seconds
-rest 45 seconds
CTB Pullups, 15 seconds
-rest 45 seconds
KB Swings (70/53), 15 seconds
-rest 45 seconds
Box Jumps (28'/22'), 15 seconds
-rest 45 seconds

(Rx+ wear weight vest)

Post Push Press 5RM and total reps of WOD


  1. Ryan D. PP:185x5. 27 T, 48 CTB, 40 KBS, 45 BJ. Rx+ (20# WV)

  2. Ryan V. PP.185x5. 30 T, 41 CTB, 41 KBS, 37 BJ. Rx+ (20# WV)
    Nice job Ryan D. your a machine

  3. Travis
    Wall Ball (14lb.)+Pull Ups+Lunges (ea. leg)
    AMRAP 7+7+7

    4 rds+7 wall balls

  4. Toni
    PP-33x5. 34 T(33 LBS.),47 CTB (2OLBS).,63 BJ (12")

  5. Bill-(Elem 4) 5min 33#thruster/standing rr
    4 rounds + 5 ring rows

  6. Kaitlyn: t-63#/38, pu-gb/37, kb 35#/47, bj 18"/45 (push press 68#)
    Donna: t-25#/30, pu-gb/46, kb 20#/45, bj 18"/39 (press 53#)
    Jackie: t-68#/30, pu-gb/46, kb 53#/32, bj 24"/30 (push press 80#)
    Mack: t-95#/27, pu-gb/43, kb 53#/43, bj 24"/31
    Joey: t-65#/35, pu-gb/46, kb 35#/42, bj 18"/44 (push press 80#)
    Brian: t-65#/30, pu-rr/54, kb 35#/41, bj 18"/32
    Monica: t-73#/30, pu-pb/34, kb 53#/41, bj 22"/38 (push press 5 @ 93#)
    Ryan T: t-65#/31, pu-unassist/38, kb 53#/45, bj 28"/46
    Michael: t-95#/38, pu-unassist/53, kb 70#/46, bj 28"/55 (push press 155#)
    Corey: t-75#/22, pu-kip/32, kb 53#/40, bj 24"/29 (push press 95#)
    Ellen: t-75#/25, pu-blue/30, kb 53#/44, bj 24"/38 (push press 5 @ 103#)

  7. Jason: t-135#/26, pu-rx/29, kb 70#/40, bj 24"/28 (push press 205)
    Matt P: t-65#/28, pu-rr/41, kb 35#/42, bj 18"/31
    Selena: t-33#w/red plates/25, pu-black/43, kb 20#/41, bj 18"/36
    Sam: t-135#/20, pu-rx/36, kb 70#/39, bj 28"/33

    Melissa: elem 3 -4:27 (4 rds of 10 reps)
    Kristen: elem 3 -4:27 (4 rds of 10 reps)
    Lauren: elem 4 - 9 rds + 3 thrusters (33#)
    Sam: elem 4 - 11 rds + 5 rr (25#, sub. burpees for 15 single jumps)

  8. Clinton: pp (strength)= 155#; t-95#33,pu-(bb)28, kb70#44, bj24"40
    Carey: pp (strength)= 63#; t-53#33, pu-rx/33, kb35#43, bj18"50

