Saturday, April 3, 2010

TEAM WOD Saturday 4-3-10


Run 800m

30 Lunges

20 Abmat sit-ups

10 Pull-ups

10 Box Jumps


Hold one more time!

Teams of 2

100 Burpees, one team mate performs the burpees the other holds plank.

100 Squats, one team mate performs squats while the other holds the bottom of the squat.

100 sit ups, one person performs the sit-ups while the other holds the top of the V-Up.

100 KB Swings,53/35 one person performs KB swings while the other holds the KB over-head

* Divide reps between team mates/if the team mate on hold is unable to hold their position. switch to performing the exercise.


  1. Team WOD:
    Ellen and Emma - 32:58
    Kenny M and Braeden P - 13:41 (1/2)

    Optional WOD:
    Hollie (Run) - 21:10
    Cheri (Row) - 23:34
    Jason (Row) - 18:32
    Justin (Run) - 25:00
    Sheri (Row) - 18:27
    Kelly (Run) - 24:19

  2. Randy: Alternate WOD
    1600 m row - 6:48
    1200 m row - 4:22
    800 m row - 3:18
    400 m row - 1:43

