Tuesday, January 25, 2011

WOD Tuesday 1-25-11

Warm Up
50 Jumping Jacks
50 Double Unders
2 Rds of
10 Ovhd Squats (PVC)
10 Good Mornings (PVC)
10 Pushups
10 Back Extensions

Squat: 3-5 sets of 3

3 Rds for time
800m Run
30 Situps
20 Pullups
10 Ring Dips

Rx+ sub 10 muscle ups for 20 pullups/10 ring dips

Post Squat 3Rm and WOD time


  1. Heather: 145#, 20:14 (BB)

  2. Lauren: 88#X5; 18:25 (800 row, 1/2 reps,gb, box assist dips)
    Sam: 73#X5; 18:24 (800 row, 1/2 row, gb, box assist dips)
    Ryan V: 275#X5; 22:31 Rx+, GHD
    Dave: 175#X3; 23:03 gb, box assist dips
    Will: 295#X5; 28:25 Rx
    Rosa: 125#X3; 21:10 (pb+bb, l leg ring dip)
    Brian: 170#X3; 24:40; ring rows, bench dips
    Donna: 70#X3; 27:03; gb, bench dips
    Christina: 125#X3; 23:34 gb, bench dips
    Mack: 185#X5; 29:53 gb, box assist dips
    Joey: 170#X5; 23:19 bb, box assist dips
    Jason: 350#X4; 27:59, bb, box assist dips
    Ali: elem #1; 8:01 (500 row, 30sq,20situps,15pushups,7pullsup)

  3. Recovery WOD: (10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1)
    24" box jumps, ring rows, air squats, sit ups
    Ellen: 13:54
    Monica: 11:19

  4. Sam: 27:19
    Ellen: 13:54 (wod 10-9-. .1, 24" box jumps, ring rows, air squats, sit ups)
    Monica: 11:19 (wod 10-9-. .1, 24" box jumps, ring rows, air squats, sit ups)

  5. Michael:275#X3 squat; 12:00 (wod 10-9-. .1, 24"++ box jumps, ring rows+ , air squats,GHD)
    Carrie: 105X4 squat; 12:24 (wod 10-9-. .1, 24" box jumps, ring rows+, air squats, sit ups)
    Jackie: 85#X1 press; 14:25(wod 10-9-. .1, 24" box jumps, ring rows+, air squats, sit ups)

